Hey guys,
Raise your hand if you managed to snatch up one of the Morphe X Jaclyn hill palettes from the Vault collection. I certainly did.
If not, do not worry you can sign up for updates here or on social media in order to find out when it is back in stock.
Before you decide, maybe you would like to see some swatches and witness how these eyeshadows perform on the eyes. Not only have I reviewed this but, I will be sharing a few photo's of the palettes down below.
I decided to purchase 2 out of the 4 palettes (Dark magic and the Armed and gorgeous palette) because I felt like I had most of the other shades in other palettes I have already. Its all about preference, if you want to support Jaclyn Hill and buy the Vault for $49/£49 then please do. However, if you have the Jaclyn hill 35 eyeshadow palette then maybe think about which one entices you the most.
Individually each palette retails for $15/£15 and with the code 'JACATTACK' you can save some money. It's not a neccessity to purchase all of them, its totally up to you. Mine arrived within 3 days after purchasing, which was pretty quick.
(Currently sold out but will available soon)
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Morphe UK- Click here
Morphe Australia (currently available) - click here
So lets see if the palettes live up to my expectations in the video below:
General thoughts:
- Travel friendly
- Has a mirror
- Shade names are inside
- Decent size eyeshadows
- When swatching some I had to go over again more than once (can you tell which ones?)
- Some swatch and apply a little patchy, need building up (oranges and lighter greens)
- Shimmers and foiled shades are great (you can also wet them to get more intensity)
- Packaging is a 10/10
- Favourite shades Dark Magic are Power cut, trickery, poof, inside job, temptress.
- Favourite shades from Armed and gorgeous are Access, classified, coin, prowl, smooth criminal and VIP.

Armed and gorgeous above and Dark magic below.
Rating 8-9/10
Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoyed my review.